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新春好禮滿額狂贈 ▶︎
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現貨到!紗霧淨多件82折起 ▶︎

新春好禮滿額狂贈 ▶︎
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現貨到!紗霧淨多件82折起 ▶︎

新春好禮滿額狂贈 ▶︎
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Air Purifier Filters for Xiaomi 4 Pro

Air Purifier Filters for Xiaomi 4 Pro

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Shipping & Payment
Customer Reviews

• 綠綠好日所生產小米濾芯具 RFID 貼紙,可正常顯示濾芯壽命
• 濾芯建議每半年至一年更換,如眼看、耳聽、體感濾芯效率不佳則建議立即更換
• 靜電過濾棉建議每4-6週定期檢查並更換;若有明顯髒汙時請立即更換,勿使用超過2個月,避免清淨效果下降

Shipping & Payment

Delivery Options

  • 宅配(物流配送)

Payment Options

  • LINE Pay
  • 宅配貨到付款(離島地區恕無法使用)
  • Credit Card
  • Bank Transfer
Customer Reviews
{{'product.product_review.no_review' | translate}}